NOTAP Pays Pre-Registration Monitoring Visit to Trevi Foundation Nigeria Limited

A team of some management staff of the National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP), led by the Director General, Dr. Obiageli Amadiobi has paid a pre- registration monitoring visit to Trevi Foundation Nigerian limited in Gbagada Industrial scheme, Gbagada express way, Lagos.

Speaking during the visit, Dr. Amadiobi said that NOTAP was primarily established to regulate the inflow of foreign technology through the registration of technology transfer agreements but also has the responsibility to encourage the domestication and development of locally motivated technologies.

She said that the act that established the Office empowers it to carry out pre and post monitoring visit to companies for registration of technology transfer agreements to ensure that such company actually exists, and also to confirm claims made by companies in their applications. She added that it had become imperative to carry out such visits as some companies had in the past made irreconcilable, frivolous and untrue claims, leading to delay in the registration or outright refusal to register such agreements.

The NOTAP boss informed the company that pre-registration monitoring of companies was an essential aspect of evaluation and registration of technology transfer agreements by NOTAP. She noted that the visit was necessitated by their pending agreement with NOTAP of which the Office was desirous of having sufficient knowledge of the operations of the company to facilitate the approval or otherwise.

Dr. Amadiobi revealed that out of ten applications submitted for registration by Trevi Foundation Nigeria limited, nine have been approved with only one pending, hence there was need to visit the company for thorough briefing by the management of the company to avail NOTAP the opportunity of having a vivid understanding of the operations of the company.

She further stated that NOTAP had done everything possible including the automation of the technology transfer agreements registration processes to ensure a speedy delivery and actualization of its mandates. She added that most delays experienced by NOTAP clients in registration of technology transfer agreements are based on company’s inability to submit sufficient or correct information and the time it takes them to respond to issues raised in their applications.

In his presentation, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the company, Mr. Massino Cagna said that Trevi Foundation Nigerian limited was a foreign company with over 40% equity shares by Nigeria, founded in Nigeria in 1977 and belonged to Trevi Group that is made up of 35 companies dedicated to the construction of special foundations.

 He informed the visiting team that the company was specialized in full geotechnical services and foundation constructions of bridges, special building especially in swampy areas and dams. He said that the company sources their equipment from their sister company known as SOILMEC, a known heavy equipment manufacturing company that uses Trevi Foundation to certify their equipment.

Mr. Massino Cagna revealed that the company is committed to ensuring quality, timely and efficient delivery of jobs in Nigeria. He stated that out of 580 staff of the company, only 14 which is an insignificant percentage of the staff strength are expatriates.

The MD assured the NOTAP team that the company has not recorded any failed projects because of their dexterous and religious adherence to the civil engineering rules and regulation. He said that they have partnered with notable international recognized constructions companies such as Julius Berger Nigerian plc, Arab Contractors, Salimi limited, Afriland limited and a host of other revered establishments.

In his remarks, the Head of Department (HOD) of Technology Transfer and Registration (TTR) department of NOTAP, Dr. Jonas Nzeagwu recalled that from the presentation made by the company, Trevi Foundation deploys Oracle and SAP Software in executing their jobs.

He emphasized the need for companies to always separate the software component from hardware when submitting their applications to the Office.

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