

The National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP) plays a key role in Nigeria’s technology system.

 Being an Agency of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation (FMSTI),Nigeria. NOTAP was established in response to Nigeria’s need to facilitate the emergence of a strong STI system and equally saddled with the responsibility of tracking the inflow of foreign technology in the country, as well as promoting indigenous technology, research and development results from various institutions in Nigeria

Technology Transfer Registration (TTR)

The TTR department carries out the following functions:

  • Evaluation of technology transfer agreements /contracts;
  • Registration of technology transfer agreements entered into by Nigerian
  • entrepreneurs/ MDAs with their foreign technical partners;
  • Monitoring on a continuous basis the execution of any contract or agreement registered pursuant to NOTAP Act;
  • Maintaining a register of technology transfer agreements or contracts entered into by Nigerian entrepreneurs and their foreign technical partners which are submitted to and registered by the Office.
  • Ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of contracts and agreements having effect in Nigeria entered into for Technology transfer;
  • Provision of a more efficient process for the adaptation of foreign technology;
  • Development of the negotiating skills of Nigerians with a view to ensuring the acquisition of best contractual terms and conditions by Nigerian parties entering into any contract or agreement for the transfer of foreign technology;
  • Advising the Director General on global trends, policy options and strategies for effective administration of technology transfer in Nigeria.

Technology Innovation and Commercialization (TIC)

The TIC department explores the outputs of the knowledge system and promotes viable technologies emanating from the NIS by:

  • Coordinating the preparation of feasibility studies to confirm economic viability of projects and provide relevant information for entrepreneurs and financiers;
  • Coordinating the establishment of project pilot plans to test/demonstrate the feasibility and economic viability of R&D results and inventions;
  • Initiating plans and programmes for sourcing for funds to implement commercialization programmes by the Office;
  • Promoting and marketing commercializable research results;
  • Ensuring the participation of the Office at all relevant trade fairs/exhibitions to gather technological information;
  • Initiating programmes that will sustain linkages with national and international organizations;
  • Disseminating viable information on R&D results to the public, through newsletters, journals and advertisement in both electronic and print media;
  • Carrying out Technology Foresight survey;
  • Organising NOTAP’s TECHMARTS and other public awareness programmes;
  • Promoting innovation and spurring competitiveness for national development and;
  • Conducting national technology needs assessment.

Technology Acquisition and Research Coordination (TARC) Department

The department facilitates and coordinates the following activities:

  • Managing the technology acquisition and research emerging from the Nigerian System of Innovation comprising the tertiary institutions (Universities, Poly/Mono-technics, and Colleges of Education), Research and Allied Institutions
  • Collation, evaluation, analysis and protection of research results emanating from the Institutions;
  • Formulating and evolving policies that will encourage local inventions and innovations as well as the acquisition of foreign technology to strengthen the National Science and Technology Innovation (STI) system;
  • Building capacity of Researchers in various aspect of research;
  • Inculcating a culture of Intellectual Property regime in the Tertiary Institutions;
  • Initiating the procedure for the protection of R&D results by the acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights (patenting, copyrights, etc) including the development of proto-types of products and processes with the aim of demonstrating the viability of results in collaboration with both internal directorates and external organizations;
  • Coordinating and liaising with the National Science and Technology Innovation (STI) with a view to facilitating closer relationship among the stakeholders to foster better Intellectual Property Right (IPR) management and;
  • Initiating and reviewing periodically, the procedures for indigenous technology licensing within the National Science and Technology Innovation (STI).

Corporate Planning  (CP)

Functions and Activities of Corporate Planning (CP) Department

  • Coordinate the development and Strategic plan for medium, short and long term budget preparations for the Agency budget activities is consistent with nation’s technology objectives.
  • Coordinate the development of the Agency’s annual work plan.
  • Plan the implementation of the Agency’s Management retreat.
  • Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Agency’s Capital Projects.
  • Facilitate the development of the Agency’s policies.
  • Collaborate with international, regional, private organizations on partnerships.
  • Advise the Management on all computerization projects of the Office to ensure that NOTAP is digitally driven and enabled to achieve its mandate.
  • Develop, deploy and manage Information Communication Technology (ICT) Systems and infrastructure to ensure that ICT services are available, reliable and secured.
  • Work with NOTAP’s Management to provide roadmap and the implementation of digital transformation of NOTAP in line with e-government policy of the federal government.
  • Work with HRF and other departments to strengthen the ICT capacity of the general staff through organizing regular training to move the Office closer to the realization of digital transformation goals.

Technology Advisory and Support Services (Consultancy Services)

Consultancy Services (CS) Departmental functions

  • Initiating strategies to source for consultancy services and projects based on the competencies of the Office over the years in the following areas:
  • Technology Advisory Services;
  • Capacity building in research related matters;
  • Franchise training;
  • Promoting Industry – academia linkage collaboration;
  • Coordinate rendering of Technology advisory and extension services;
  • Implementing the International, Regional, Continental and National collaborations with Rendering Technology Advisory Services (TAS) to clients wishing to process the registration of their technology transfer agreements and other related issues;
  • Organizing periodic workshops and seminars for stakeholders to brainstorm on recent development and adopt best practices for technology transfer transactions in Nigeria;
  • Oversees the organisation of NOTAP seminars/workshops;
  • Intellectual Property Training;
  • SMEs development; and
  • Commercialization Advisory Services, etc
  • Managing the skills development programmes; and
  • Developing and Managing Strategic Partnerships.

Human Resources and Finance Management (HRFM) Department

This is the service Department of the Agency and it is responsible for carrying out the following activities:

  • Staff Appointment, Discipline and Promotions;
  • Staff welfare matters;
  • Training and manpower development;
  • Establishment and maintenance of staff Nominal Roll;
  • Staff Pension matters;
  • Budget matters;
  • Secretarial services to Management Committee and staff Committees;
  • Interpretation and enforcement of Circulars from the Head of Civil Service of the Federation and Financial Regulatory Bodies;
  • Custody of all personal and confidential files;
  • Coordination of Industrial relation matters;
  • Maintenance of the agency’s assets, such as the Motor Vehicles, Building, Generators, etc;
  • Salary administration;
  • Supervising the activities of the out-sourced service to ensure efficient and effective service delivery;
  • Liaising with other government agencies on financial and administration matters on behalf of NOTAP;
  • Maintain close relationship and providing administrative and financial support to the technical department to enable them function effectively;
  • Oversee the day to day financial operations of the Office;
  • Maintenance of proper records of all financial transactions of the Agency;
  • Ensuring the implementation of the Budget as approved by the National Assembly;
  • Conduct regular reconciliation of revenues from the various sources to ensure that all revenues are properly accounted for;
  • Preparation of draft final accounts at the end of every year for the external auditors;
  • Ensure strict compliance with the provisions of the financial regulations.