Our Mandate

  • Encouragement of a more efficient process for the identification and selection of foreign technology.
  • Development of the negotiating skills of Nigerians with a view to ensuring the acquisition of the best contractual terms and conditions in the transfer of foreign technology agreements.
  • Provision of a more efficient process for the adaptation of imported technology.
  • Registration of all foreign technology transfer agreements having effect in Nigeria.
  • Monitoring on a continuous basis of the implementation of any contract or agreement registered pursuant to the
  • Act setting up the Office.
  • Commercialization of R&D Results and Inventions.
  • Promotion of locally generated technologies.
  • Promotion of Intellectual Property.
  • Promotion and encouragement of the development of creative and inventive skills among Nigerian Scientists, Researchers, Inventors and Innovators.


The National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP), an agency under the aegis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology was established by Decree No. 70 of 1979, as the National Office of Industrial Property (NOIP).

It is a corporate body with a mandate to implement the acquisition, promotion and development of technology and at the same time correct certain imperfections in the acquisition of foreign technology into the country. In 1992, the name of the Office was changed to National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP) by Decree No. 82 of 1992. This was to ensure that the name adequately reflects the entire functions of the Office and to also remove any ambiguity or misconception that may arise in relation to any other Government agency.

In line with globalization and liberalization of the world economy, NOTAP has shifted its emphasis from regulatory and control to promotional and developmental roles. The new areas of focus are aimed at attracting foreign technologies and investment and the development of indigenous technology.
NOTAP was therefore established as one of the main instruments to carry out the National Policy on Technology Development. Part of this policy stipulates the encouragement of the flow of technology into the country in order to strengthen industrial development and encourage domestic enterprises to acquire foreign technologies that are suitable to the local environment.