Technology Innovation and Commercialization (TIC)

Promotion of Indigenous Technologies / Commercialization of R&D Results, Research and Industry Linkage

We coordinate the promotion and commercialization of the indigenous Research & Development results. It has three divisions: Technology Assessment, Technology Promotion & Commercialization and Technology Innovation.

And further coordinate the linkage of the National Innovation System with the Industry focusing on the needs emanating from the evaluation, registration and monitoring of Technology Transfer Agreements/projects. It facilitates the protection of R&D results through acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). It also promotes the development of local inventions and innovations.  It has three divisions: Tertiary Institutions, Research & Allied Institutions and Intellectual Property Matters. 

The TIC department explores the outputs of the knowledge system and promotes viable technologies emanating from the NIS by:

  1. Coordinating the preparation of feasibility studies to confirm economic viability of projects and provide relevant information for entrepreneurs and financiers;
  2. Coordinating the establishment of project pilot plans to test/demonstrate the feasibility and economic viability of R&D results and inventions;
  3. Initiating plans and programmes for sourcing for funds to implement commercialization programmes by the Office;
  4. Promoting and marketing commercializable research results;
  5. Ensuring the participation of the Office at all relevant trade fairs/exhibitions to gather technological information;
  6. Initiating programmes that will sustain linkages with national and international organizations;
  7. Disseminating viable information on R&D results to the public, through newsletters, journals and advertisement in both electronic and print media;
  8. Carrying out Technology Foresight survey;
  9. Organising NOTAP’s TECHMARTS and other public awareness programmes;
  10. Promoting innovation and spurring competitiveness for national development and;
  11. Conducting national technology needs assessment.