Technology Transfer Registration (TTR)

We process Technology Transfer Agreements submitted to the Office for registration. And also monitors the implementation of the registered agreements/projects and develops the negotiating skills of Nigerians. It is pertinent to note that NOTAP requires registration of technology transfer agreements in sectors such as finance and insurance, manufacturing, franchising, technical services, management services, technical know-how, oil and gas, civil construction, power and energy, etc.  The department has three divisions: Manufacturing, Information & Communication Technology and Services.

The TTR department carries out the following functions:

  1. Evaluation of technology transfer agreements /contracts;
  2. Registration of technology transfer agreements entered into by Nigerian
  3. entrepreneurs/ MDAs with their foreign technical partners;
  4. Monitoring on a continuous basis the execution of any contract or agreement registered pursuant to NOTAP Act;
  5. Maintaining a register of technology transfer agreements or contracts entered into by Nigerian entrepreneurs and their foreign technical partners which are submitted to and registered by the Office.
  6. Ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of contracts and agreements having effect in Nigeria entered into for Technology transfer;
  7. Provision of a more efficient process for the adaptation of foreign technology;
  8. Development of the negotiating skills of Nigerians with a view to ensuring the acquisition of best contractual terms and conditions by Nigerian parties entering into any contract or agreement for the transfer of foreign technology;
  9. Advising the Director General on global trends, policy options and strategies for effective administration of technology transfer in Nigeria.